Is this weekend.
Back in Canada, my family will come together, as will most of my friends families, for a meal. For my family, that generally means turkey and ham, a lot of mashed potatoes, seasonal vegetables of carrots, turnips, peas, brussels sprouts, cauliflower (exact vegetables are subject to change..), and then pie or a crisp for dessert. Mmm... I definitely am finding myself in pie withdrawal. I haven't really come across appealing pie at any of the cafés or stores I have frequented. I suppose I might miss the turkey, too, since it doesn't really exist here...
And of course I miss my family. I wish I could join them around the table and hear about all the news that everyone has to share--so infrequent are the big gatherings that there is always a lot of catching up to do.
But I am neither there, nor are they here. And honestly, I have had a sporadic attendance rate the last couple of years because of school or work as well. The only big difference this year is that I am now in a different country. =P
Still, I am ever thankful. Here are a few that make the list this year:
1. I am thankful for days that are still warm enough for shorts, but nights that are at last cool enough for sweaters.
2. I am thankful that, despite how the cafeteria food here is sometimes highly unappetizing, I am provided with both food and a roof over my head.
3. I am thankful for the chance to learn a new language, to explore a different culture and to grow as an individual.
4. I am thankful every time one of my students greets me by name with a smile, showing me that they are happy I am here.
5. I am thankful that I have a chance to meet and interact with such fantastic students. They have their quirks and charms, and I appreciate them all.
6. I am thankful for new friends, new adventures, and lots of laughs along the way.
And let me return the question to you. Stop. Think: What are you thankful for today?
Love and Hugs.
An Oarfish and Me at a museum last week. |