Monday, March 14, 2011


If I could fly, I would fly all over the world.
but, flying solo would get lonely.

If I could breathe underwater, I would find Atlantis.
but, finding Atlantis is no fun by yourself.

If I were a star, I'd burn forever--somehow.
but, stars live a long time and my friends would all be gone.

If I were a book, I'd always be read.
but, if I'm always being read, how can I read?  How can I reach out to others?

If I were a movie, I'd be everyone's favourite--with aspects of everything--well, maybe not horror.
but, if I were a movie, how could I do anything for myself--apart from the script?

If I were an animal, I'd be the strongest--the fastest--the most majestic... or maybe the smallest, the cutest, the most crafty.
but, if I were an animal, where would my humanity be?  I mean, this isn't Disney...

If I could go anywhere, I'd go to the Digital World--if only for a day.
but, in reality, the Digital World doesn't exist..

If I could be anything, I'd be someone people could look up to and learn from.
but, if they are looking up to me, is what I'm standing for worth it?  Am I standing for the right reasons?

If I were perfect, I wouldn't need Jesus.
but, I'm not perfect, and I do need him.

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Things I've learned about France (or at least Normandy)

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