I remember watching an episode of the cartoon Sabrina the Teenage Witch when I was in grade school where
Sabrina's wisdom teeth were coming in. As a young witch, she didn't see
why she had to do have the mortal operation. She didn't want to suffer
any pain, swelling and overall unpleasantness from the surgery. Naturally,
as a young witch she decided to magic them out. This, however, led to
other complications. With her wisdom teeth magically removed, Sabrina
starts making extremely stupid and dangerous decisions--as though she has
actually lost her wisdom. In the end has to magic her wisdom teeth back
in order to have the mortal surgery.
All this to say that I got my wisdom teeth
removed last week. Maybe I was channeling my inner Sabrina, but I really
wished I could magic my teeth away without having to go under. I was
terrified. Call me a big baby, but I was more scared of going to the
surgeon's last week than I am about my upcoming move to South Korea.
Maybe it's because I have a good imagination and the thought of the pain
and discomfort was too vivid.
Peu importe!
I walked into the office with sweaty palms
and a nauseous stomach. Good thing you're not allowed to eat 8 hours
before the surgery! The nurse asked me some questions, hooked me up to an
I/V, we chatted... it was almost time... she put in the anaesthetic... and then
it was over. I was waking up to a frozen face.
While I won't deny being terrified, I will
admit that the whole procedure, and even the follow-up couple of days, were not
as bad as I thought they would be. I didn't even need a lot of pain
medication. The worst part was that I wasn't allowed to do anything that
would get my heart rate going. I couldn't even walk my dog. I was
stuck at home and that was B-O-R-I-N-G. That and I really missed chewing.
I didn't think that chewing was something you could miss until all I ate
was yogurt and soup for 48 hours--really, not even a terribly long time, but
long enough.
I just wanted to bite into something!
At least now, my wisdom teeth are not something I will have to
worry about. And I suppose I learned
something from the whole procedure, too.
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